Greetings! How are ya?
If you’re new to the Perspective book series news/blog, I’d like to extend you a warm hello and welcome on behalf of myself, Amanda Giasson, and my Perspective series co-author, Julie B. Campbell.
If this isn’t your first time here – Awesome, and welcome back!
Okay, so it’s been a minute (um, alright, more like a year+ 😅) since we posted a Perspective news update.
Why so long?
Well, I could provide you with a bunch of mundane reasons and excuses as to why that is…🥱
…Or I could jump right in and tell you about all the fun and exciting Perspective-related stuff Julie and I did in 2024. 🤩
I agree. The latter option is infinitely more interesting. 😆
Perspective Book Series – A Look Back at 2024

Over the course of 2024 we…
- Had the opportunity and privilege to be vendors at four fantastic events
- Celebrated the birthday of a neighbourhood Little Free Library
- Released two new books!
- Got custom-designed Irys & Megan earrings
- Were included in a dedicated local author page created by the Barrie Public Library
- Made some headway with the fifth novel in the Perspective book series
Specifically, last year’s fun kicked off in the spring with…
Innisfil Idealab & Library ComicFEST 2024
In April, we were thrilled to take part in the first ever Innisfil Idealab & Library ComicFEST!
This was a fun event, and the Innisfil library did an incredible job. There were lots of different artists and authors (many local), great activities for kids, and loads of cosplayers (including the 501st Legion – I couldn’t help but fangirl when I saw Tech from the Bad Batch! 🤩😂).
Of course, we maintained our “ComicFest” tradition of cosplaying as characters from the Perspective book series.
This time around, I chose to recycle my very first Perspective cosplay, Megan Wynters in Syliza. Julie chose to rock out as Warrior, Lieutenant Aésha Stargrace (hot pink sword and all!).
All in all, not only was it a fantastic turnout, but we also met some wonderful and super-talented new vendors, including our amazing vendor neighbour, NerdyKindaCrafty (more on them and why they’re awesome later).
We Celebrated a Little Free Library’s First Birthday
In June, we took part in a celebration for Magnolia, a Little Free Library in our neighbourhood.
If you’ve never heard of a Little Free Library before, it’s a small, free book-sharing box where anyone can take a book or leave one.
In 2023, not long after Julie noticed the library, we added Love at First Plight (book one in the Perspective series) to Magnolia. A few days later, it was gone from the box. 😁
When we found out that Magnolia’s stewards (absolutely fabulous people!) were throwing a birthday party in honour of Magnolia’s first year of book sharing, we had to drop by. They celebrated with giveaways, free books, and food donations for small local pantries.
Free Books + Do-gooding + Supporting Local = Totally Crisp!
BPL Comic Fest 2024
When September rolled around, so did the annual BPL Comic Fest! This is one of our favourite events of the year. From 2018 onward, we’ve been to every BPL Comic Fest (formerly BPL ComicCon) held by the Barrie Public Library. Having not missed a year since, it’s come to mean a lot to us as both local authors and vendors.
Like last year’s event, we had a blast and sported all new Perspective book series costumes. We each cosplayed a character from the masquerade ball in Love at First Plight. I was Lady Vemala Brensforth, decked out in her beautiful butterfly costume 🦋 (much to Irys Godeleva’s chagrin, I’m sure 😆). Julie was the charming “Miss Kiss” 💋 a.k.a. Aésha Stargrace.
As is the case every year at this event, we loved seeing all the cosplayers, saying hello to familiar faces, and meeting new people.
The true icing on the cake at this BPL Comic Fest however, was seeing NerdyKindaCrafty again (remember, how I’d said I’d mention them again later?).
NerdyKindaCrafty is a Barrie-based small business that specializes in laser cut and engraved wood jewelry. Their jewelry – which includes earrings (studs and dangle earrings) and pins – offers something for everyone (e.g., nature, holiday seasons, music, coffee, comics, anime, movies, space, books, pride, and so much more). Plus, their jewelry is super light and smells laser-cut-wood amazing. Needless to say, Julie and I fell in love with their stuff at the Innisfil Idealab & Library ComicFEST.
Between the two events, we learned that NerdyKindaCrafty will do custom orders. Thrilled with that idea, we asked them to create Perspective book series-inspired earrings. They brought them to us at the BPL Comic Fest (as well as surprised us with super-thoughtful wooden bookmark gifts – which featured tassels with Perspective series colours, no less! ❤️💜)
The earrings (and bookmarks) are absolutely stunning, and we couldn’t be happier with them!
Christmas Book Fair and Market
In November, we branched out from our usual Perspective book series co-authors library events and headed to Allandale Recreation Centre. There, we were vendors at the Christmas Book Fair and Market.
It was our first time at this event, and we jumped at the chance to sell our books to a new crowd at a new venue. As a bonus, we saw some familiar faces too!😁
Plus, the market gave us the opportunity to make sales during prime Christmas shopping season. It also gave us the opportunity to dress as ourselves.
Don’t get us wrong, cosplaying is a lot of fun, but sometimes it’s nice not to take three hours to get ready before an event and then stand for 6+ hours in a ballgown. 😂 😂
We Released Legends of Qarradune
On November 24th we released a new book – Legends of Qarradune: Out-of-this-world Tales, Myths & Folk Stories.
It’s a collection of short stories from all over Qarradune. And I mean all over Qarradune –
Check out that map!
Each story has been passed down through the many cultures and generations across this beautiful, mysterious (and often chaotic) world.
As you turn the pages of Legends of Qarradune, you’ll discover:
👑🪶An enchanting tale from Syliza about a seven-feathered crown
(…all Sylizans, including Thayn, likes this one)
🎩👞A folk story from Kavylak about a more than mischievous boy who knows the truth
(…that kid is totally Galnar’s hero)
🌳🛡️A folk story from Gbat Rher about honour, love, and sacrifice
(…Rral and Kolfi live by this tale)
🌬️🐺An eye-opening and tragic myth from the People of the North
(…Amarogq finds this one a tough read)
🔥🌳A cautionary myth from Dusmot about why the fire blossom trees grow
(…little does Irys know, they’re not just pretty trees)
💎❄️A tale of splendor and peril from Dmevjekya
(…as a kid, Mez took this one to heart)
🌟And so much more!
In addition to those (and other) exciting stories, this Perspective series short story anthology includes the long-forgotten Eransian tale – The Legend of Aetharia. In this tale, Aetharia, the mighty, winged warrior (and first warrior of her people), encounters “the Others”.
If the name “Aetharia” sounds familiar, that’s because you likely remember that last year we had the absolute pleasure of collaborating with Wing Nut Cosplay, who named Aetharia and inspired her beautiful appearance.
With her incredible talent, she created a stunning Aetharia costume that included – of course – Wing Nut’s trademark magnificent and immense wings.
If you’re looking for more Qarradune-based adventures while you patiently wait (thank you 🙏) for the fifth novel in the Perspective series, be sure to check out Legends of Qarradune!
We Released Finding Manda’s Sunshine
Although not directly linked to the Perspective book series, on November 29th we launched a (mostly) new kids’ book – Finding Manda’s Sunshine.
I say “mostly” new because this children’s book was initially published eons ago. We’ve previously never advertised it because it needed improvements, and was available only as an ebook. In 2024, we finally got around to spiffying it up, with minor fixes to the story and 11 new illustrations.
While not directly related to Perspective, relaunching Finding Manda’s Sunshine was a real-time joint effort – which is the case with all the projects we create together. As I drew and coloured the new pictures, Julie – who’d already written the story – perfectly fulfilled her best friend duties by being my personal audio book. Thanks Julie (Project Hail Mary was awesome 🤩)!
Barrie Public Library Local Author Book Market 2024
In early December we attended the Barrie Public Library Local Author Book Market, our final event of the year as vendors.
We met a lot of new local authors and participated in the lightning talks (a fast 2-minute talk about us, our Perspective series, and the books we write – you can watch it here).
The Local Author Book Market was short (and costume-free), bringing an easy and comfortable close to our 2024 events.
Barrie Public Library Local Author Page
We’re always thrilled when we can take part in Barrie Public Library events and are ever impressed and grateful to the library for their care and dedication toward supporting local authors.
For instance, to make sure as many local authors could participate (free!) at this year’s Local Author Book Market, the library tried something new and split the event into two parts (local authors of children’s and YA books in the morning and local authors of adult books in the afternoon). By splitting the market like this, it allowed more authors the opportunity to be discovered by and share their work with the community.
What’s more, in December, the Barrie Public Library took the extra step of creating a dedicated Barrie Public Library Local Authors page.
This page provides resources about the many talented writers throughout Simcoe County (including two of our favourite authors – Amanda Giasson❤️ and Julie B. Campbell 💜 – we’re even included in the page’s featured image!).
Thanks to the Barrie Public Library for giving us Perspective series authors a wonderful ending to a great year.
Perspective Book Series 2025 – A Look Ahead
What’s up and coming for the Perspective book series this year?
There’s some exciting stuff, like…
- Love at First Plight turns 10 in February! – We can’t believe it’s already been a decade since we released the first book in the series.😱🥳
- Events! – We’re looking forward to attending events again this year – hopefully some of our favourites and maybe some new ones too!📚🙌
- Book 5 in the Perspective series! – Megan and Irys’ adventures will continue after So On and So Forth. We plan to release the long awaited fifth book before the end of the year.📘🎉
Want to know how to stay up to date with Perspective news?
Obviously, don’t rely on us reporting it here on this blog. 🤭🙃 😊
For all the latest news, announcements, upcoming events – and anything else we might have cooking – the best way to stay in the loop is to follow Perspective book series on Facebook and Instagram.
Until next time (hopefully before next year 🤪), stay crisp!